Daughters & Mothers...Mother's Day 2018

This is a painting that my daughter Layla made of my mother who passed away when she (Layla), was 4. She says My Mom is her muse. Did you hear that Mom? I hope so. 

I love her artwork. I don’t know where she gets it. Clearly not from me. I can barely draw a stick figure in Hangman. To me, her art is soulful, playful, deep. All things her. 

“I’m losing my lip line,” my mother assessed as she regretfully stared at her reflection in the vanity mirror. I was standing beside her looking up. What on earth was she talking about— ‘Losing her lip line’?? Where did it go? Now I understand.

I miss her. I wish she was here to witness the beautiful young lady her Granddaughter is. I wish I could tell her that she’s this wonderful ball of energy spreading her wings, shining light, sharing her art, her laugh, her goodness. 

That she’s not just taking up space in the world. She appreciates the life she’s been given. That’s she’s fighting fears daily. Standing on ledges. Diving off cliffs (literally).

That she takes things to heart, not for granted. She reconsiders. She’s respectful. Polite. Thoughtful. Kind. She learns from her mistakes. 

ln the last chapter of my book I considered Mark D. Sanders and Tia Sillers’ song “I Hope You Dance” which sings of the hope we have that our children will not “sit it out” when opportunities arise, but choose to dance instead. 

To my Mother on Mother’s Day…I’m delighted to report that Layla is dancing. She’s walking through doors that open and not getting too discouraged by the ones that don’t. I’m so proud of her, Mom. I know you were proud of me. Though I was terrified on many occasions I tried so hard to dance. 

And the seasons they go round and round.  

To my Daughter on Mothers Day…You make the world a better place and bring a smile to so many faces around you. 

I hope I live long enough to know your daughter should you have one and that if you do I may be her muse when I’m gone. 

You are the greatest gift and the best thing that ever happened to me. 

Whatever you do, never stop dancing. 

Thank you Lori McKenna, for this song. 

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