Writer's Block...Work It Out!!

If you have writer’s block do NOT dignify it with attention.
I always go for a run when I have writer’s block. I can count on loosening up when I get out from behind whatever medium I’m writing on.
If you still don’t have any ideas at the end of a workout I would seriously consider a new career.
Here’s what went through my head today as I ran around Fryman Canyon: (not to say that any one of these things are song material, it’s just that moving gets your mind going).
Where did the summer go?
I think I’m having a belated appreciation for Oasis.
Lisa’s gel nail color is the best.
I should demo that song but there’s no time to do it because I’m too busy blogging about music. Maybe if I stopped blogging so much about music I’d be able to demo more songs.
How come there are so many greedy people in the world?
Why is stealing music any different from stealing cars?
If Spotify is making so much money on my songs, why shouldn’t I?
That Family of The Year song is so good.
I can’t believe that If I wrote something about a loved one passing away and someone uploaded it to Youtube against a vulgar video without my permission, they’d say I was taking away their freedom of speech if I wanted it taken down. F*ck.
What should I make for dinner?
Why won’t NMPA and Sony Music agree to even talk about transparency? What do they have to hide?
I’m glad I removed my catalogue from Sony.
The first 3 writers I mentored at the West Coast Songwriters Conference were really good. I was very pleasantly surprised.
What if nobody buys my book?
The good thing about getting older is I’m more comfortable in my own skin. When somebody puts a guitar in my hands and asks me to play I play.

If you don’t experience joy when you’re performing it’s not worth it.
If you’re not having fun until the 5th song, the first 4 were a waste of time.
The one I wrote last week was divinely inspired. I didn’t get out of my pajamas until dinner. I wish that happened more often. It did when I was YOUNG!!
Direct licensing by publishers without transparency would be death! to songwriters except for maybe the 1% who would most likely be offered more favorable secret agreements. Oy.
If I were the 1% would I be Okay with that?
I think we should boycott all companies that advertise on pirated websites.
Tech Giants started chipping away at the definition of a copyright as soon as they figured out how they could monetize content for themselves.
If Sasha and Malia were musicians President Obama would whip this sh*t into shape real quick.
Not being able to negotiate streaming rates in a free market is like trying to sell your house without being able to show the comps from other houses on your block.
Adam is going out tonight. I think I’ll make chicken livers.
I’m spending money faster than I’m making it.
You have to spend money to make money.
I hope Future of Music Coalition isn’t a shill for Google like so many people say they are. Casey seems like a really nice guy and it feels like he’s on our side. So I’m going to speak at that summit anyway. I’m going to breath deeply and tell the truth.
The truth matters.
Neil deGrasse Tyson said that at some point in everybody’s life they have to be of service to their community. I feel like that’s what I’m doing.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I know exactly what I’m doing.
I love Neil deGrasse Tyson
But his show Cosmos—Sheesh. We’re all so insignificant. If God sneezed we’d be dust.
Selena Gomez is SO pretty.
I want to make a difference. I want to be part of the solution.
I can’t stand that all these twenty year olds run so much faster than me.
The riff on “Teenage Wasteland” is the same as the one on “Bitch.” (click the link, FF to .44)
Eww Dog poop.
So what ifKevin Kadish made 5k from Pandora alone! Even if he made another 200K from radio. If you contribute to the art the world enjoys you should be paid whether you’re a pauper or a millionaire. They pay Clint Eastwood, don’t they?
Pandora made a lot more on Kevin’s song than Kevin did.
Or Meghan.
Bob Lefsetz is definitely funded by Tech. There’s no other explanation.
If you woke up one day and there was no more music I wonder what consumers would pay to get it back. I bet they’d pay more than they’re paying now. If they’re paying anything at all.
There’s George Clooney’s house. Why don’t I ever actually see George Clooney?
I need to meditate more. There’s too much going on in my head.
Eventually we’ll win because we’re right.
Mick Jagger is really skinny.
There. I feel better. Now I can work.
Thanks for reading my friends. Now go to the gym!!