Last week as I s-curved across Mulholland Drive, top down/wind in my face (in a Don Henley song), appreciating Los Angeles for all its curves and waves, knowing it’s where my village is, my zen, my professional community, I asked myself for the first time since I moved west if I could move back east. NY is better for my mind. LA is easier on my bones. What’s a girl to do?

New Year's Resolutions 2019: Simple But Real
At the beginning of every new year I make a few promises to myself. I like to keep them simple but real. No ridiculous diets revolving around resisting cheese (never gonna happen) or intentions of completely changing my ways. It’s the little things that seem to effectively shift my spiritual journey anyway.

Teachable Songwriting
For a successful destiny, one has to have the fire in their belly—which is usually recognized at a young age—and the desire to communicate within a 3.5 minute boundary. If these parameters are already in place then maybe one can learn to get better.

Help! I Need Somebody, Help!
I believe great songwriters are born with some kind of songwriting DNA. But with hard work and guidance even those who weren’t given an ample dose at birth, can nurture what they were given and improve. Even go Pro.