Joni Under The Stars
My favorite part of the show was when Joni laughed after finishing a song and hearing the uproarious response from the crowd. She sounded like a young child who just caught a dragonfly inside a jar. ♥️

In a recent PBS special awarding Joni Mitchell with The Gershwin Prize for popular song — the nation’s highest award for influence, impact and achievement, Annie Lennox sings “Both Sides Now” from the perspective of the back half of life as opposed to having it all in front of us. I had to press pause intermittently to catch my breath. To grab my heart. Nobody sings like Annie. And nobody writes like Joni. She’s otherworldly. She is…Stardust.

Daryl And Todd
You guys might have read about my obsession with Todd Rundgren. But FYI I’m a freak for Daryl Hall as well. And so … the 2 of them together is like sleeping with 2 of your favorite lovers at the same time. Insane! If my ears had eyes they be rolling to the back of my head.