Deciphering The Spotify Spin
Spotify professes to be our friend — a champion of the creator — the birther of the “Spotify Secret Genius” — a manufactured honor conceived to pander to our egos and a title that is now so laughably transparent. For a service that preaches the value of music and the people who create it, they sure are trying pretty hard to f*ck us over…as covertly as possible.

Record Store Re-Imagined
Is there room for a new Music Space in a digital world — where enthusiasts can still convene and discover…not just their favorite bands but each other. A space where common ground brings people together physically and passionately under the same roof. Like food in a restaurant. Film in a theatre. A space where hardly anyone knows your name but we all know we came for the same reason.

Rethinking Taylor Swift
I sincerely hope she didn’t share that post because it’s “good for business” but because she’s growing up and feels the need to stand up for what she cares about — whatever it is she cares about — because it matters. It matters as much as the music.

....Technology Resister
If I want instant gratification and music delivered effortlessly, I have to stop being so difficult.

Light at the End of the Streaming Tunnel
If you didn’t sell your catalogue during the gold rush, fear not. We may have to think of it as “holding on to real estate during a down market in a neighborhood that could get really hot.”

A Songwriter's Dilemma
How do we, as songwriters, make peace with the idea of patronizing a business model that undercuts the value of our work?

Broken Record
The perception of free is a dangerous drug and the longer we believe it’s okay to use it the harder it will be to get sober.

Is MusicAnswers The Answer?
I want songwriting (and yes—composing, performing and producing) to continue to be a legitimate occupation in which good people who work hard can at least make a living.

Straddling the Old and the New
I am of a certain age and they call my generation, "digital immigrants" for a reason: we had to adapt to the digital world, unlike the young "native" millennials who were born into it. They make it look easy. But I'm determined.

Come Together
When it comes to deciding who should go to DC to represent the creative community it is my view that no single group will be as influential or effective as we can be in a united front.

Musical Musings in a Digital Age
If we had a crush on a boy (or girl) and were able to kiss him whenever we wanted to for however long we wanted, would we want to kiss him as much?

To Taylor, Love Shelly
In the spirit of the precarious state of the business of writing songs we nominate you, Taylor Swift, as our official spokesperson—our poster child in chief—to continue leading the way.