Winding Down
I believe lost items have spirits and they long to be re-united with us. Why do some things make their way back and others don’t? Why is life so random? Why do we sometimes work harder than others to reach the same goals? Why do we end ‘situationships’ that are bad for our health but we miss them just the same? Why does eating beans make us live longer? So many questions. Which brings me to a favorite line in a book I read this year: “You don’t have to understand life. You just have to live it.”

Every Day Is Another Chance To Try
Have you made any new year’s resolutions you suspect you won’t be able to keep? Think about it this way. For every time you don't succeed never look at it as a failure but as a rehearsal. Somebody once told me that young songwriters have to get through all the ‘no’s’ — all the hundreds of rejections — before you can get to the ‘yes.’ So best to get your no’s over with. All those rehearsals. Every one matters.

Christmas Day
I’m taking stock of a year gone by on a day I believe I was given to take stock. Maybe I didn’t do all the things I promised myself I’d do last year. But at least I try. And I feel blessed that it appears there’s still time. (Pictured: a visit from my longtime songwriting pal, Gregg Sutton)

Dear Santa...
We don’t need material gifts, Santa….just some shift in the Universe that gives musicians faith in the idea that we, and the young people who will come after us, will be able to sustain ourselves and keep giving the world what they can not live without: music.