What's It All About?
Barbra is an actress who sings…that’s how she thinks of herself…she has to understand the lyrics in order to know what she’s supposed to be feeling.

Rest Peacefully, Tommy Page
He was like that little boy from “The Alchemist”—the one who had a vision he believed in so strongly it caused the Universe to jump into the current and conspire with him to make it all happen.

Kings & Queens of Nashville
Four hours later my session is a total bust. Three ideas and we couldn’t get hard. We parted without any eargasm to speak of. Even well seasoned writers come up empty sometimes. They might not tell you that but I will.

Greetings From Nashville
"Concept is everything…some writers write themselves into a circle and wait for the main idea. Sometimes they get lucky. But if you have the concept right from the start the songs write themselves.”

Wilson (No) Phillips....(from "Confessions of a Serial Songwriter")
From every songwriting session that you enter, hopefully you give something away and take something with you when you leave.

Bon Voyage
I hadn’t gone on an international writing trip in a long time. Motherhood had kept me close to home by choice. When my daughter was out of elementary school you’d think I would have jumped at the chance. Au contraire…even more reason to stay close. Teenagers are volatile.

A Teacher Who Changed My Life
It must be strange for teachers. They give us a gift and then we leave and a fresh new class comes in. It's like a turn-style. Every year the teacher is a year older but the students stay the same age.

Doubling Up
Last summer I went to London on a writing trip. I was scheduled to work with an Aspiring Artist, (AA) and a Hot Young Programmer, (HYP). I was sent a link in advance to a couple of AA’s videos but she had me at hello. I didn't even get completely passed the first one. She was special. I was in.