For The Dreamers
A go-to co-writer is someone who continually delights you. They bring out colors you didn’t know you had. Because they believe in you, you’re on your game when you’re with them. Little do they know it’s because THEY are special. THEY are having an effect on you! Maybe we need to let them know more often how much we appreciate them. Feel free to tell about or post a pic one of your favorite collaborators in the thread below. Let’s honor the creative spirit of the people who bring out the best in us.

SongSex Gone Wrong
Every co-write is a like a blind date. You were psyched about that session. You had this killer idea—at least you thought so—one that made your heart beat faster. Sadly, it just didn’t have the same effect on your co-writer. So what do you do?

Co-Writer Compatibility
Stay away from arrogance and people who make you feel like you have to prove something to them. Ugh. The worst. At this point in my career I choose to eliminate all toxic energy from my life.

What's It All About?
Barbra is an actress who sings…that’s how she thinks of herself…she has to understand the lyrics in order to know what she’s supposed to be feeling.

Greetings From Nashville
"Concept is everything…some writers write themselves into a circle and wait for the main idea. Sometimes they get lucky. But if you have the concept right from the start the songs write themselves.”

I work with people who are a decade younger than I and others who are a decade older. Some have innocence and some have wisdom. Sometimes the innocence does not belong to the younger writer or the wisdom to the older.