The C-Word
I have a theory: If we continue referring to music as “content,” we’re giving license and incentive to those it benefits should the language stick. I’m not saying that if we stop using the c-word we’ll suddenly prosper, but rather that continuing to give it cred is bad Karma. It puts a hex on our livelihood. The Universe hears us.

Songwriters Vs. Spotify
Spotify strokes the creative community with writing camps and lavish parties. They blast our faces on Sunset Boulevard Billboards proclaiming us a Secret Genius for writing such big hits and host award shows in our honor. Very nice. But what they don’t want to do…is pay us.

Light at the End of the Streaming Tunnel
If you didn’t sell your catalogue during the gold rush, fear not. We may have to think of it as “holding on to real estate during a down market in a neighborhood that could get really hot.”

Dear Songwriters....
Our industry is a hot mess. Everyone’s trying to hold onto what’s slipping out of their control in this (still rather new) digital terrain.