The Fog Before The SOnGQuAkE
A new song can come on like an geological awakening after a long absence of a muse. You’re not alone.

Elusive Butterflies
A creative mind never punches out. It’s always working. And that’s probably a good thing. As long as we're prepared to catch a butterfly.

Write Anyway
If writing is the way we discover ourselves then to stop would be the end of beautiful relationship.

Songwriter Therapy
I guess I’m just enjoying taking stock and remembering what matters to me—brushing up on and what I once knew so well. Because as soon as you think u know it all, you know nothing.

How to Find That Missing Line...(or not)
I am stuck on a lyric. I've been working at it for hours and I can't get the line. I know what I must do. There is simply no other way. I have no choice. I must...

Do Changing Hormones Affect Creativity?
We have to grow up. In body and mind. How redundant life would be if we didn't evolve--change the way we feel--how we think--who we are. How scary to look in the mirror ever day, year after year, and see the same exact face.

How To Write A Better Song
She frames things in ways that are tangible and saucy and fun. Eighteen years later I am still learning…

What's Going On...
Maybe this whole thing wasn't so much about the law as it was about Karma. Maybe this was one of those times the Universe caught us off guard.