The Greatest Night in Pop
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

The Greatest Night in Pop

“The Greatest Night in Pop” is a Netflix Documentary about how the song “We Are The World” came to be. At a typical recording session any one of these stars would be red-carpeted, catered to, worshipped. But tonight they are equals. Selfless humans coming together for a sum greater than the parts.

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Daryl And Todd
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Daryl And Todd

You guys might have read about my obsession with Todd Rundgren. But FYI I’m a freak for Daryl Hall as well. And so … the 2 of them together is like sleeping with 2 of your favorite lovers at the same time. Insane! If my ears had eyes they be rolling to the back of my head.

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Diamond Girl
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Diamond Girl

“Diamond Girl” takes me back to a time I imagined I could BE the diamond girl Seals & Crofts were singing about. That’s what songs are supposed to do. Make you feel like they’re about you. And when you learn that the creator of the song is gone, they take a piece of you with them. But thing is…the song remains. It never goes away. I’m sitting in my yard listening to “Diamond Girl” right now. I’ve entered an emotional time machine. “It’s about you that I am.”

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