Looking Forward
We set up the living room with music stands and monitors. Mics and peddles. By the fourth rehearsal my voice was limbering up. I was reaching notes I couldn’t reach the week before. My hands and fingers started going to the right place without forethought. Before I knew it I was in that zone. Deliriously happy. We sounded pretty good. A drummer-away from touring. 😎😎

I Was Working as a Waitress in a Cocktail Bar
This is Kelly and I. We were waitresses together in the 80s. I loved being a waitress. I was the leading actress on a stage all the time. If you were seated in my section you were at my mercy. I had the power.
Everyone who worked in that lounge had stars in their eyes. Big dreams about getting discovered, signed to a record label, writing a hit song, dancing on Broadway. We supported each others’ endeavors by going to each other’s gigs. One day, Kelly and I ventured out to see one of the busboys in a play and a funny thing happened….

So You Want To Start A Blog
Blog. I hate the word. It sounds like “blah” which is synonymous with boring. Or worse — “blah blah blah” — a monotonous drone (of someone’s personal predilections perhaps). It also rhymes with clog which reminds me of congestion. I wish they called it something else. But if you believe the way you see the world is worth sharing, if you feel you have a unique slant on things even if it’s not popular or hip, forget about what the word evokes. Be brave and and go for it.

On Mother's Day 2017: For all the Little Girls
I’m sure all mothers will agree (no matter how we voted), we don’t ever want our daughters to buy into the idea that their gender will be an obstacle. Even if there’s some truth to it, believing in ourselves can over-power reality.

Beatles Trump All
In my mind, the collision of these 4 particular human beings is to music, what the big bang theory was to the configuration of the Universe. Unlikely. And although there are bands and artists I can't imagine having grown up without—The Eagles, Pretenders, Stevie (both of them), Elton, (omg, Elton!), even, forgive me, Prince...in the end, for me, nothing will ever compare.

Make the Music Industry Great Again
The Donald has promised to do things differently. This is an area where I hope he does. It would be a Huge gesture of good will and would improve an ecosystem in disarray.

Dear Madame Almost President...
I took an Abmien last night at 9:30. Slept like a baby. Woke up despondent and Stepford. Sort of like when my otherwise healthy father had an aortic aneurysm and the doctor told me he would probably not live and I kept thinking I’d get a call saying it all turned around overnight and he’d be fine. It didn’t. He wasn’t. He died.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
When it comes to creators' rights and digital royalty improvements, I’m praying for a President with a kid who wants to be a rockstar. Watch how fast the Copyright Office is given autonomy, streaming rates go up, take down stays down!

Broken Record
The perception of free is a dangerous drug and the longer we believe it’s okay to use it the harder it will be to get sober.