Sparking Joy
Does the song I wrote yesterday make me smile when I recall it in the morning? Is it the first thing I think about when I open my eyes? If it’s not, for heaven’s sake, don’t waste any more time trying to polish a t*rd. 😳

Good Luck at the GRAMMYS Claudia Brant!
Let’s hear it for the unlikely nominees, the ones who were told they were out of their minds for trying. Well, apparently she wasn’t. And she’s just the inspiration we need.

The first booth I encounter is a dude demonstrating a new vocal auto-tuning technology. He explains to onlookers that the singer riffing into the mic, whose voice is being “auto-corrected,” might accidentally ‘discover’ a melody she didn’t even mean to sing. And ta-da! Hit song by accident. Imagine that! I want to raise my hand and ask, what about an idea? Doesn’t a song need an idea?