What Was I Made For
Greta Gerwig could have chosen a funnier song or a poppier song or certainly a song that propelled us to the dance floor. Many other directors would have. But instead she tapped the right writers and got “What Was I Made For.” I applaud Billie Eilish and her talented sibling Finneas for the melancholy approach and Greta Gerwig for not trying to steer them in a safer happier direction.

The “Beach Boys” at the Dolby
I personally never caught a wave, but as per tribute presenter John Stamos: The Beach Boys were “a part of our DNA.” You didn’t have to surf to get them. Some of my favorite artists and bands re-interpreting some of my favorite songs from the soundtrack of my youth was a song-junkie’s dream and super special night I’ll always remember.

EVERYBODY’S Working on a Musical!
I’ve been reluctant about sharing what I’ve been up to but I’ve learned you have to tell the Universe what you want. What your intentions are. Now, I’m not saying that every endeavor is going to fly just because you let the Universe in on your secret. It may not. BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO PUT IT OUT THERE. 😳
The C-Word
I have a theory: If we continue referring to music as “content,” we’re giving license and incentive to those it benefits should the language stick. I’m not saying that if we stop using the c-word we’ll suddenly prosper, but rather that continuing to give it cred is bad Karma. It puts a hex on our livelihood. The Universe hears us.

Sample Me
Generally when a song of mine is sampled (or licensed for advertising) I want to make sure it doesn’t taint the integrity of the copyright by incorporating (or associating it with) something vulgar or offensive. Other than that I’m pretty open to giving it the thumbs up. In fact a while back my co-writer’s publisher turned down a use for “What a Girl Wants” in a Tampon ad. Truth be told I wouldn’t have had a problem with that. After all, what more could a girl want than a tampon when she needs one? It’s only natural. 🙂

Independence Day: The GRAMMY & The DIYer
Are only the most popular superstars worthy of recognition for outstanding work in their field? Given the current environment, that line of thinking seems antiquated. I propose we make some more room for the non-conventional self-releasing artiste.

Love It If We Made It
I’ve heard it said that there’s no good music out there. Not true. You gotta dig deeper than the mainstream. Or maybe some of us grew up and got happy — no longer depend on music to identify or save us. Fair enough. Thing is if you want it, there is music out there that’s saving people. It saves me sometimes. Actually it saves me quite often.

Sparking Joy
Does the song I wrote yesterday make me smile when I recall it in the morning? Is it the first thing I think about when I open my eyes? If it’s not, for heaven’s sake, don’t waste any more time trying to polish a t*rd. 😳

Good Luck at the GRAMMYS Claudia Brant!
Let’s hear it for the unlikely nominees, the ones who were told they were out of their minds for trying. Well, apparently she wasn’t. And she’s just the inspiration we need.

The first booth I encounter is a dude demonstrating a new vocal auto-tuning technology. He explains to onlookers that the singer riffing into the mic, whose voice is being “auto-corrected,” might accidentally ‘discover’ a melody she didn’t even mean to sing. And ta-da! Hit song by accident. Imagine that! I want to raise my hand and ask, what about an idea? Doesn’t a song need an idea?

New Year's Resolutions 2019: Simple But Real
At the beginning of every new year I make a few promises to myself. I like to keep them simple but real. No ridiculous diets revolving around resisting cheese (never gonna happen) or intentions of completely changing my ways. It’s the little things that seem to effectively shift my spiritual journey anyway.

For Love Or For Money
There’s plenty of talk about how the music business is thriving and worth billions. It's all true except that those billions aren’t making their way to the pockets of the writers who create the product that make a music business possible.

Living Room Live
I’ve narrowed a 7 hour audio book down to an hour’s worth of the best bits. I put a mic and an amp in the corner of my office and every night I've been firing up the purple lights and running through the script. I'm enjoying myself immensely. So are my cats. I'm not sure how to proceed next, but I'll figure it out. One foot in front of the other. Like everything. If you build it they will come.

What's Next
Indeed, life, career, love have their ups and downs. Perhaps the lulls are necessary, albeit not as thrilling, as the excitement. I’ve always enjoyed unscheduled time to collect my endless thoughts. Examining is where we get material. We need to take time to replenish.

10,000 Hours
Sometimes I feel invisible. I am a singer/songwriter who has yet to write a hit. I go to a party and when you ask what I do I tell you: I wake up every day and write songs. It’s like breathing.

Back Down To Earth
Looking out the window of my west bound plane, taking in what just happened, I’m filled with so many thoughts. Adam is worried. He suggests after all the excitement and euphoria I’m going to crash. Post GRAMMY Depression. I won’t. I’m pretty sure I’ll be high for a while.

Clive's Party
I can only hope that when I’m 85 I am still as passionate about my work as he is. Thank you for having me, Mr. Davis. I am truly honored.

....Technology Resister
If I want instant gratification and music delivered effortlessly, I have to stop being so difficult.

What to Wear to the GRAMMYs
Even without makeup, heels, or a cleavage enhancing bra, we knew. Kind of like… if you can play a song acoustically and it still sounds special you know you’ve got something. Same with a dress.

In Good Company
I wanted to go to bed without hope in my heart. Because if I had too much hope, upon awaking I could surely be devastated.