She Rocks Rocked!
At The She Rocks Awards 2023 I was being given the ‘Dream Out Loud Award.’ They got THAT right! I dream out loud all the time. It doesn’t matter that the dreams don’t always come true. I continue because hope is good for the heart.

Memory Lane
I’m sure this must happen to you too: you get in your car … your phone talks to Bluetooth … a random song starts playing from iTunes. It sounds familiar. You’re trying to place it. When it gets to the hook you realize, “Hey I think I wrote that! Wow, it wasn’t half bad…for it’s time.” You smile. Do you keep listening? If you do, you’re gonna be there for a while especially if you’ve written as many songs as I have.

Follow the YOLO Brick Road
YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

Slow Down The World
I muse these thoughts as I drive south on La Cienega Blvd. in the middle of the afternoon with absolutely no traffic on my way to a doctor’s appointment where there will be nobody in the waiting room. When I left my house I realized how odd it was to well, leave my house! I rolled down the window and turned up Classic Hits: “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More.”
Her Name Was Xtina
January 1, 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of “What A Girl Wants” becoming the first No.1 song of the century. Quite a thrill for a songwriter. I thought this would be an opportune time to share with you the story of how the song came to be. Ready?