Live Stream Fatigue
I enjoy performing on live streams — even though, forgive me, my Facebook feed is starting to look like a scrolling billboard. I don’t however, have the bandwidth to watch all the shows I’ve been invited to. Online events used to be sprinkled here and there for our viewing pleasure. But I’m tiring of the virtual venue. I want a change of scenery. The company of breathing humans. I want to throw on a leather jacket and go see a band in a bar!

But Sex Sells
In these trying #MeToo #TimesUp times, if we don’t want to be objectified why are we objectifying ourselves?

Every party involved in the process of getting a song to your ears should be compensated. We’re nothing without each other. The songwriter, the record label, the delivery platform, the technology. The imbalance of royalty distribution is the result of archaic music licensing laws that are no longer relevant. Imagine how workable things would be if we had some new laws.