Funny Girl
Lea Michele’s delightful, adorable qualities were the very things that Barbra’s legendary Fanny Brice was not. Barbra’s Fanny was outrageous. An odd beauty. A lovable clumsy anomaly. That’s what made ladies-man Nicki Arnstein’s attraction to her so unlikely. Lea’s Fanny was someone you could imagine just about anyone falling in love with.

Pitching & Playlists
There just has to be an easy way to share material (released and unreleased together) on one link, professionally, streamlined, EASY. What am I missing?

The Little Yellow School House
Giving back is good for the soul. Even if it means having to miss pre-Grammy week festivities in Los Angeles.

I Saw The Light
My fantasy of a photo op with Todd didn't come to fruition but I DID get to hear "I Saw The Light" hard copy after all these years of listening through speakers.