If You Can Teach, Teach!
They say if you can’t do, teach. I couldn’t disagree more. Why not do both? There is a season turn turn turn. If you’ve been successful in your field at some point it’s time to pay it forward. Plus, it’s good for us to keep doing things we’re not sure we can do. 🤓

Teachable Songwriting
For a successful destiny, one has to have the fire in their belly—which is usually recognized at a young age—and the desire to communicate within a 3.5 minute boundary. If these parameters are already in place then maybe one can learn to get better.

Co-Writer Compatibility
Stay away from arrogance and people who make you feel like you have to prove something to them. Ugh. The worst. At this point in my career I choose to eliminate all toxic energy from my life.

Pendulums Swing
Some of us are asking…”Why can’t my publisher get me more song placements?” It wasn’t too long ago I was asking myself the same thing. But then I got to thinking: If circumstances make it harder right now for us to pitch our own material it’s got to be harder for them too....