Publishing: "Perpetuity" May Not Be Forever
If you enter into a publishing agreement which says the publisher shall keep your songs in “perpetuity” it might not actually mean forever. It could mean…only 35 years. I know what you’re thinking. 35 years? That will never come! Songwriters operate in a state of arrested development. We don’t believe we’ll ever grow up so why worry about it? I can assure you, the future always comes. We’re living in it. So listen up!

Glass Half Full, Please
You never know when or where you’ll find your luck. Luck has more of a chance when we believe it does. It’s as simple as that. Our attitudes are more powerful than we know.

What's Going On...
Maybe this whole thing wasn't so much about the law as it was about Karma. Maybe this was one of those times the Universe caught us off guard.