The Show Must Go On!
Three days before the only rehearsal for the first table read of our Musical I suggested to Adam that we reschedule. According to Apple weather LA was expecting a storm of mass proportions. The worst in 40 years. We’d probably lose power. What would YOU do? 😫

TikTok… Boom!
Two things have been on my mind: TikTok and Tick, Tick…Boom! Loved Tick, Tick Boom! and Jazmine Sullivan’s cover of “Come To Your Senses.” TikTok is a different story. 3 of my friends told me recently that I should “get on” it. That I’d be so “good at it.” What exactly is “good at it?” 😳

Bruce on Broadway
I wonder if I could do a one woman show too…"Confessions of a Serial Songwriter." Except mine wouldn’t be on Broadway and I wouldn’t be Bruce Springsteen. Hopefully some people would come.

On Broadway
During curtain call I felt warm tears well up behind my glasses. I wanted to stand up and shout, "Everybody wait! Don't go yet! I need to tell you something....."