Why Does Ed Sheeran Keep Getting Sued?
We all fall into that delicious trap of borrowing something we sincerely believe we wrote. It’s human. We’re influenced by everything that came before and it’s not surprising that we mimic. Just like we inherit our parents’ mannerisms because we’ve grown up around them. But it’s our professional duty to assess our work and adjust as needed. And if we find it’s impossible to separate ‘ours from theirs,’ then we share credit PRE-release just like the writers of “I’m A Mess” did with Meredith (Brooks) and I when a resemblance between their track and our song “Bitch” was brought to their attention.

Truth Hurts
"Truth Hurts" came under fire recently when a British singer claimed that Lizzo lifted the first attention grabbing line from one of her tweets. But times have changed. It’s a bold new viral world out there. So is a tweet copyrightable?

Taylor is Not Too Sexy to Share Writers Cred
Taylor is an accomplished role model. Say what you want about her—many of us do…and it’s not always favorable—I believe she has a thing about, well, doing the right thing.

Blurred Lines Revisited
With the "Blurred Lines" case in appeal Pharrell & Robin have a chance to turn the verdict around.

What's Going On...
Maybe this whole thing wasn't so much about the law as it was about Karma. Maybe this was one of those times the Universe caught us off guard.

Blurred Lines: Did Sam Smith Cross Them?
Whether or not one ultimately gets busted for a transgression, premeditated or not, depends a lot on the zen of the infringee. And you can't get much more easy going than Tom Petty...