Warriors and Angels
Please allow me to take time out from my regularly scheduled column to make sure you know about the 2022 SONA Warrior Awards. In a time when we all understandably have a severe case of virtual fatigue (myself included), this is one event you don’t want to miss.
💪🏻💪💪🏿💪🏾💪🏼💪🏽 😇

Dear Mandy Moore…
Dear Mandy, Back when we met way before THIS IS US, I wrote a song for you called “17.” You came to record vocals. You were so young. Sweet. Starry eyed. Baby skinned. But it was your performance on “I Wanna Be With You,” a lyric I wrote to a melody Keith Thomas sent me for the movie CENTER STAGE, that clinched my crush on you.
I followed you though all 6 seasons of THIS IS US but now that it’s over I miss you, Mandy. I miss THIS IS US. I think I’m going through withdrawal! 🥹 🥹