A Day Without Likes
Words are precious. Every "LIKE" is a substitute for what we really mean. Don’t tell me THAT she was like…tell me WHAT she was like. I want to know. Was she blue? Was she beige? Did you hurt her feelings? Did he say nothing at all? Write me a song. Paint me a picture.

Rolling With The Changes
In the age of hashtags and ampersands what can we do if we’re a gifted musician but clueless when it comes to self promotion? And what if we can’t afford to hire someone to assist us but our success hinges on quantity of followers?

I Saw The Light
My fantasy of a photo op with Todd didn't come to fruition but I DID get to hear "I Saw The Light" hard copy after all these years of listening through speakers.

Father's Day 2016—Since You've Been Gone
As much as I wish you were still here I take comfort in knowing you escaped some very painful times. At least that's what I tell myself when I want to feel better about missing you so much.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
I was lucky to live in a time when all there was, was a landline. That saved us all a lot of pain.

Songwriter Therapy
I guess I’m just enjoying taking stock and remembering what matters to me—brushing up on and what I once knew so well. Because as soon as you think u know it all, you know nothing.