Takin’ It To The Streets
My colleague (and “wifey”) Suzan Koc and I were enjoying our weekly float-in-my-pool catch-ups — talking about how musicians are dealing with venues being shut down. She said she was tired of livestreams and that the Italians had the right idea when they just went out onto their balconies and played. She said, “Shelly…you should go out on your front steps with a guitar and an Amp and just sing. Don’t even promote it. Don’t do it for likes. Give back to the people who’ve been watching you through a screen all these months. They deserve live music. Real live music.”

Beatles Trump All
In my mind, the collision of these 4 particular human beings is to music, what the big bang theory was to the configuration of the Universe. Unlikely. And although there are bands and artists I can't imagine having grown up without—The Eagles, Pretenders, Stevie (both of them), Elton, (omg, Elton!), even, forgive me, Prince...in the end, for me, nothing will ever compare.

Why Don't We Do It in the Road?
It’s good to participate in activities outside of our comfort zone. When we stop trying new things, we get jaded.