Post GRAMMY Musings
It was a long week. There were more pre-GRAMMY parties than ever before. I pace myself these days. That said, I had a better time than I used to. I no longer feel like I have anything to prove. I don’t ask colleagues what they have coming out but rather ‘what’s been keeping them busy.’ Because, let’s face it…a lot of people don’t have anything coming out. It’s not like it’s the 90s when songwriters had 2 dozen cuts a year.

Leave It To Lorde
“Forget all the tears that you cried it’s over,” I think we know what she’s referring to… 🦠! But alas she might have spoken too soon. (So have many-a-TV ads ‘welcoming us back.’ ) That said, “It’s over” can be taken as any pre-summer-bummer worth moving on from. And “Solar Power” is a fun song to listen to as the backdrop!