It’s GRAMMY week. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love it when I’m nominated.🤓 Which isn’t very often. Otherwise, it can ruffle all kinds of feels at this stage in my life and career. Like how did I get to be one of the oldest people at these parties?

Follow the YOLO Brick Road
YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

Small Fish
It’s a whole new world out there with algorithms, analytics, gamification and secret weapons like Spotify Release Radar! I’m as novice as any H.S. sophomore uploading her first precious song to SoundCloud. In making my first album I am indeed a Small Fish.

Songs From The Other Side
As creators , when we put forth original material we are present (if not hands-on) from beginning to end — from conception to mixing. Our songs are our babies and we want to make sure the world hears them the way we envisioned them — according to our sensibilities. So, If something happened to you in the middle of making your album, would you be comfortable with someone else fully realizing your work-in-progress on your behalf — thankful that it would be heard? Or would you prefer that it rest and never see the light of day?

Album Update
Sometimes you can’t beat a scratch vocal. There’s something about the first moment you step up to the mic and it’s so fresh and real. I’m never going to be more honest than when I’m not thinking about it. I feel it with my bones.

New Year's Resolutions 2019: Simple But Real
At the beginning of every new year I make a few promises to myself. I like to keep them simple but real. No ridiculous diets revolving around resisting cheese (never gonna happen) or intentions of completely changing my ways. It’s the little things that seem to effectively shift my spiritual journey anyway.

Musicians Having Babies
I cherish my creative freedom. I miss the days when me myself and I trumped all. But there’s no bigger love. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world.