So You Want To Start A Blog
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

So You Want To Start A Blog

Blog. I hate the word. It sounds like “blah” which is synonymous with boring. Or worse — “blah blah blah” — a monotonous drone (of someone’s personal predilections perhaps). It also rhymes with clog which reminds me of congestion. I wish they called it something else. But if you believe the way you see the world is worth sharing, if you feel you have a unique slant on things even if it’s not popular or hip, forget about what the word evokes. Be brave and and go for it.

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Everything Is Material
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Everything Is Material

I woke up totally devoid of my plot. Couldn’t write a note or a word. But an invasion of house-flies gave me purpose. It’s no wonder we lose the plot once in a while. Especially at the 7-month mark of isolation in our respective bubbles...yearning for some OPB (Other People’s Bubbles) and the state of our Democracy is in peril and not everybody believes that Black Lives Matter and we’re throwing water on our roofs in California.

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