So Far Away
As it turns out, sending a kid off to college results in growing pains for Moms and Dads too. Nice to know we can still have some.
Life Lessons Revisited
College wasn’t perfect. I had my share of broken hearts, C-minuses, zits. But all in all it was a rich, eye-opening experience and although I didn’t wind up pursuing a career in the area of my study, it readied me in many important ways for the world.
Goodbye Again
Last year when I returned home to an empty nest, it was a very busy time for me. I was furiously crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s of Confessions of a Serial Songwriter. There was no time to think about 'Now What?'
Songwriter Mom
Being a parent and a songwriter are not mutually exclusive. But for me, the balance always tips a certain way.
Dear Daughter....
When I woke up on the first morning after delivering you to college it was quiet.Really quiet. Just as I thought, nobody was in your bed. I knew you weren't at a sleepover. Or on a school trip. This was for real.
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Songs usher us through life. They are soundtracks and segues. The most fitting ones seem to locate us at pivotal moments and aim right for the heart.
Disney's "Descendants": The Journey of a Song
It's pretty much a guarantee that every song that makes it all the way to someone's ear buds has a story to tell...
Does "Last" have to be a Four Letter Word?
When I restock the beverage fridge, count the money, leave and lock the door, I will realize just how "last" this is. And I will be a little sad. But I’ll be happy too.
To College or Not To College
College isn't for everyone. But if you're someone who's on the edge because you're in a hurry to get in the room with Rihanna, I suggest thinking twice.
What Song Made You Change Your Mind?
For all the decisions I’ve made while a song ran through my head I have no regret.