So Far Away
As it turns out, sending a kid off to college results in growing pains for Moms and Dads too. Nice to know we can still have some.

Goodbye Again
Last year when I returned home to an empty nest, it was a very busy time for me. I was furiously crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s of Confessions of a Serial Songwriter. There was no time to think about 'Now What?'

Dear Daughter....
When I woke up on the first morning after delivering you to college it was quiet.Really quiet. Just as I thought, nobody was in your bed. I knew you weren't at a sleepover. Or on a school trip. This was for real.

Leaving On A Jet Plane
Songs usher us through life. They are soundtracks and segues. The most fitting ones seem to locate us at pivotal moments and aim right for the heart.