Crossing The Pond
There’s a slight kerfuffle at boarding. We wait in the tunnel for 20 minutes at a standstill. Is something wrong with the plane? Are they reattaching the exit door? Is this a Boeing? I’m poised to call American Express with whom I booked my flight to ask what my options are. And do I have a change of underwear in my carry-on? I used to be a free man in Paris. And everywhere else. Not any more. What happened? 😳

Jury Duty
Everyone I know is always trying to get out of Jury Duty. Me Included. As a musician, we can’t afford to miss a session. It could be the day we write the song that changes our life. It doesn’t matter though because they never pick me. But then, God said ha! And now that’s it’s over I’m kinda happy she did. 🤓