I Wouldn’t Want It Any Other Way
What do you do when the industry shuts down for the summer and you had your heart set on filming a video to support the release of your latest single, “Bitch 2.0”? You cry. And then you call your friends and ask for HELP!

Follow the YOLO Brick Road
YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

Follow That Song
About 2 years ago I was stirring some tomato sauce on a Sunday night, listening to the radio (yes, radio!) and on came a song that made me put down that spoon and pay attention. Not long after that I was in the studio with the guy who sang that song and he was playing on my album! Good things happen when you seek out what you love. Even if you don’t realize you’re doing it!