Who’s Zoomin Who
Suzan Koc, my long-time-work-wife, the ultimate song whisperer, teacher and mentor to hundreds — wanted to use this time to give back to creatively-starved songwriters who are feeling isolated from their community. Understandably, there are a multitude of virtual creative online offerings right now. Suzan's Zoom Songwriting Camp is one I can vouch for. She’ll make a more mindful songwriter out of anyone. She told me all about it over our virtual dinner.

Songwriters Taking it Online
I do believe there will be silver linings to this hermetically sealed existence but until then, as a mother I’m beside myself being so far away from my daughter who’s in the city that’s been hit hardest. If I wanted to get to her I couldn’t. It’s unnerving. But as a songwriter I’m grateful that I can still work and try to keep my mind off the separation. That said this has been a game-changer for creativity too.