Catching Up With Kasim
My friend Kasim Sulton (bass player with with Todd Rundgren for the past 45 years) was one of the many touring musicians whose livelihood was disrupted due of the paralyzing forces of the pandemic. That didn’t stop him from releasing an album, launching a radio show and starting a podcast. But now that Covid protocol seems to be in retreat, he’s back to his happiest place — on stage with Kasim Sulton’s Utopia. He and I took a moment to talk about where he’s at. Literally and figuratively. Oh and…here’s to musicians getting back to work!!

Hello It’s Me
Didn’t we all have that guy or that girl or that they in our lives? Someone who was more than a friend but not quite a lover? Or a sometimes lover but not quite a “love”? Or a MAD love who didn’t feel the same about you? They fill some hole. Maybe you sleep together. Maybe you don’t but you want to. You did but don’t anymore. Only Todd knows for sure. But it doesn’t matter what Todd’s inspiration was. What matters is what the song conjures up for US! 😳

Separating the Artist From The Art
Once a creation is released into the universe it exists as separate energy. And entity. The writer may own the copyright but the people own the feeling. It’s out there. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

For The Dreamers
A go-to co-writer is someone who continually delights you. They bring out colors you didn’t know you had. Because they believe in you, you’re on your game when you’re with them. Little do they know it’s because THEY are special. THEY are having an effect on you! Maybe we need to let them know more often how much we appreciate them. Feel free to tell about or post a pic one of your favorite collaborators in the thread below. Let’s honor the creative spirit of the people who bring out the best in us.

I don’t know for sure if Todd is God. Someone put forth the idea a long time ago and it stuck. But even if he’s a mere mortal, Something/Anything, the double album that brought me multiple eargasms when I was young and my heart was an open book, will be embedded in my psyche forever.

Becoming Curator
Something not so coincidental happened recently because, I believe, the Universe has been witnessing my Renaissance with music: Pandora asked me to be a curator — that’s a songwriter, producer, blogger, or music enthusiast with a desire to connect with their followers through well, music.
I definitely have a desire to connect. :)

Can We Still Be Friends
In the course of ones life, friends can move around inside of a — well — a 'target board' and get closer to and farther away from the bullseye. We have to be open to the idea that the positioning between 2 friends, however dear — along with the depth of connection — can change over time.

Long Walk Home
I'm stepping off the Long Island Railroad and the first thing I see is the roof of what used to be Freeport Bowl, where girls made out with boys in cars—“Midnight Oasis” on the radio. “Put your camel to bed.” How about THAT for a lyric?

What Song Made You Change Your Mind?
For all the decisions I’ve made while a song ran through my head I have no regret.