Slow Down The World
Last week in Nashville, I ran into someone I wrote a song with over 20 years ago and I remembered the whole hook. But songs I wrote a year ago? Forget it. Why?
What's It All About?
Barbra is an actress who sings…that’s how she thinks of herself…she has to understand the lyrics in order to know what she’s supposed to be feeling.
Rolling With The Changes
In the age of hashtags and ampersands what can we do if we’re a gifted musician but clueless when it comes to self promotion? And what if we can’t afford to hire someone to assist us but our success hinges on quantity of followers?
Help! I Need Somebody, Help!
I believe great songwriters are born with some kind of songwriting DNA. But with hard work and guidance even those who weren’t given an ample dose at birth, can nurture what they were given and improve. Even go Pro.
Rest Peacefully, Tommy Page
He was like that little boy from “The Alchemist”—the one who had a vision he believed in so strongly it caused the Universe to jump into the current and conspire with him to make it all happen.
Life After The Voice
Winning is something. But it’s not everything. Perhaps it's what we do with our almost that counts.
A Songwriter's Dilemma
How do we, as songwriters, make peace with the idea of patronizing a business model that undercuts the value of our work?
The Little Yellow School House
Giving back is good for the soul. Even if it means having to miss pre-Grammy week festivities in Los Angeles.
You Say You Want A Revolution
It may feel like the Eve Of Destruction out there but it's an important time to be a songwriter.
Small Spaces
Yesterday I was off to the “studio” of a young producer, as he offered to record my vocal for a project I was working on. When I got there I realized his "studio” was his apartment with just enough square footage for not much more than a bed.
Survival of the Richest
I’m happy here on planet digital where I get all the songs I want whenever I want them, wherever I go. I simply want my community to have as healthy an earning trajectory as the CEOs and label heads who are running their companies on the backs of the creators who write the songs that make their business possible.
Sleeps With Fists. I do. In the film Dances With Wolves, the Lakota Indians gave the name “Stands With Fists” to a woman who was mourning the loss of her husband and I guess she stood around a lot with fists at her side. Me? I sleep with mine under my pillow.
Baby You Can Drive My Car
Those of you with toddlers who can't live without The Wiggles...take heart. Soon enough you'll be sharing playlists. She may even be driving the car.