Shelly on Sirius XM Fab Fourum

I am Siriusly (pun intended) Dying. As I drove my kitty home from the vet this afternoon I got an exciting call. No, it wasn't an invite to write with Adele or Ed Sheeran (don't get me wrong…that would be fabulously beyond), it was the Sirius XM Beatles Channel asking if I could be a guest on The Fab Fourum (not a typo) next week. Umm, YAAAAAAS!!!!! I believe I CAN!!!!!!
Omagod. Omagod. Omagod.
The Fab Fourum is a live weekly call-in roundtable show hosted by Dennis Elsas and Bill Flanagan with guests including authors, musicians and fans. I am all of those, thank you very much.
I am also beside myself.
I tried to maintain my composure and act non-plussed, as if I get those kinds of calls every day, but I was definitely very very plussed. “Steven” gave me some details but as I couldn’t write anything down I squeezed my face muscles together hoping that would help me retain the information…which is this:
The program will air on Wednesday, September 20th from 6-8P PCT. He told me the names of the 2 other guests…which I can’t remember…one is a drummer?…I said I knew who he was but I lied. But soon I will know, because I’ll do my diligence.
If you follow me at all then you know what a huge Beatles Fan I am. They are my favorite subject in the Universe so lets have at it.
Gosh, I hope it wasn’t a prank call. That would be embarrassing.
What should I wear? It doesn’t matter. We’ll be on the phone. Which is good cuz I won’t have to go to the Dry Bar or Blushington.
Hopefully I won’t forget that it’s PCT and show up at my landline 3 hours late. Or early. Oh, you know what I mean. That timezone stuff is very confusing. Sometimes a bi-coastal iCal invitation doesn’t even get it right.
Anyway, usually when I drive home from the vet, I have my hand in the pet carrier trying to soothe Roxy after a very scary appointment with Dr. Dave. But honestly, today, I forgot she was there. Sorry Roxy. I’m distracted.
I’m thinking about how it was all meant to be. Maybe they saw my blog about “If I Fell” or the one from a few months ago about how psyched I was that there was finally going to be a Beatles Channel. There are chapters in my book dedicated to my fandom. On Sundays I listen religiously to Chris Carter’s Breakfast with the Beatles here in Los Angeles on KLOS. I reserve Sunday mornings for working out. Or making soup. Or driving anywhere. I may be the only human left on earth who still listens to terrestrial radio. And yes, I know—I can stream them 24/7, an all you can eat Beatles buffet… but it’s not the same as when you know you’re on the same planet with a bazillion other fanatics who are listening to the same song, and having the same experience and feeling the same Super Fucking Love at the same time.
I hope they don’t read this and cancel me.
I promise not to be such a bumbling space cadet on the show.
And if there’s any way I can convince them to play “George And John,” a tribute I wrote (with Phil Thornalley and David Munday), about my heartbreak after losing half of the group, YOU KNOW I WILL.
Wish me luck.
Did I mention I’m excited?
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