I Only Have Eyes For You

I knew I found my Valentine when my husband, then courter, played my favorite instrumental, Santo And Johnny's "Sleepwalk," on my answering machine. BAM. Songs are powerful. I moved to California. Eventually. I'm much more easily won over with a song than with flowers. But honey, feel free. Long stems please. Any Color.
That said...this blog is not a Hallmark card. Here goes.
I’ve often theorized that the higher-than-average amount of revolving door relationships in the entertainment industry is due to the fact that creative people thrive on drama for inspiration and new material. I don’t know this to be true, but I do think it has credence: why not Break Up To and Make Up in order to stay freshly infatuated?
I’ve also wondered (and admittedly, Adam has called me a conspiracy theorist on occasion), if pop star splits are staged in order to have the opportunity to emote about a shift in ones state of the heart cuz fans tire of an idol who stays in one place for too long. What say you Blake and Miranda? Gwen and Gavin? Selena and Justin? Is it time again for yet another new Valentine?
Songwriters are no exception. If we write the same song over and over—default to the same point of view—the same situation (even if it's blissful) aren't we going to bore our audience AND ourselves?
I’m not suggesting we purposely Change Partners solely to awaken a sleeping muse…but that we allow ourself the freedom to entertain fantasy—let a secret crush into a song once in a while even if we’re happily paired. It’s good for our creative health. Delicious and inspired art comes from stepping outside the lines. Tip toe-ing around on egg shells will only spawn beige material. Ugh. The worst.
Besides, even if a crush is real…feelings are involuntary. We can’t blame or shame ourselves for having them. They’re just Feelings! Nothing more than Feelings! No one wants an emotional lobotomy!
If you’re So Happy Together with the one you’re with…that’s fantastic. But don’t panic. There must be a cute yoga instructor in the house or a Jeff Bridges on a screen who can help expand your romantic palate.
This Valentine's Day let’s give ourselves (and our creative partners), permission to delve into the might-have-beens and the what-ifs. To revisit those High School journals and your first crush (mine was Lloyd Kedding in third grade…God I hope he’s not on Facebook. He’s not. I just checked), or remember how it felt the first time someone reached for your hand…or how your heart would skip a beat if Bruce or Bieber walked out of a dream and into your car. And then come home from your writing session, light some candles, and celebrate the love you have.
Here's to the one you're with
And the one that got away
Lovers in love and lovers you’ve missed
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