TikTok… Boom!
Two things have been on my mind: TikTok and Tick, Tick…Boom! Loved Tick, Tick Boom! and Jazmine Sullivan’s cover of “Come To Your Senses.” TikTok is a different story. 3 of my friends told me recently that I should “get on” it. That I’d be so “good at it.” What exactly is “good at it?” 😳

What Is An Artist?
Once upon a time we depended on music to communicate to lawmakers. Music was a powerful and emotional tool. And it was Art. Musicians were Artists! It was their job. Luckily Bob and Joni didn’t have to worry about losing Facebook friends or attracting trolls.

Can We Still Be Friends
In the course of ones life, friends can move around inside of a — well — a 'target board' and get closer to and farther away from the bullseye. We have to be open to the idea that the positioning between 2 friends, however dear — along with the depth of connection — can change over time.

But Sex Sells
In these trying #MeToo #TimesUp times, if we don’t want to be objectified why are we objectifying ourselves?

Shhh! We're Not Supposed to Talk About It!
Apparently, anyone with a platform risks losing half their community of support if they veer off that platform. Is that an excuse? Maybe. But I’m more than a songwriter. So let’s discuss….

I Only Have Eyes For You
This Valentines day, let a secret crush into song. It’s good for your creative health.

For Your Consideration: Confessions of a Serial Songwriter
It’s important that the professional songwriter, and our story, be represented in the small group of audio books nominated for a GRAMMY. After all, the GRAMMYs is an award platform that revolves around the music industry. And songwriters are at the heart of it. Without songs there'd be no music business.

A Day Without Likes
Words are precious. Every "LIKE" is a substitute for what we really mean. Don’t tell me THAT she was like…tell me WHAT she was like. I want to know. Was she blue? Was she beige? Did you hurt her feelings? Did he say nothing at all? Write me a song. Paint me a picture.

I Write, Therefore I Am
I’ve developed a latent crush on the English language—obsessed with learning new words (and I’m delighted when I actually remember their meaning the following week)! I'm having a love affair with thesaurus.com and I feel high when I discover a perfect adjective.

Kings & Queens of Nashville
Four hours later my session is a total bust. Three ideas and we couldn’t get hard. We parted without any eargasm to speak of. Even well seasoned writers come up empty sometimes. They might not tell you that but I will.

I Saw The Light
My fantasy of a photo op with Todd didn't come to fruition but I DID get to hear "I Saw The Light" hard copy after all these years of listening through speakers.

Father's Day 2016—Since You've Been Gone
As much as I wish you were still here I take comfort in knowing you escaped some very painful times. At least that's what I tell myself when I want to feel better about missing you so much.

Songwriter Mom
Being a parent and a songwriter are not mutually exclusive. But for me, the balance always tips a certain way.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
I was lucky to live in a time when all there was, was a landline. That saved us all a lot of pain.

Musical Musings in a Digital Age
If we had a crush on a boy (or girl) and were able to kiss him whenever we wanted to for however long we wanted, would we want to kiss him as much?

Leaving On A Jet Plane
Songs usher us through life. They are soundtracks and segues. The most fitting ones seem to locate us at pivotal moments and aim right for the heart.