Kiss Me 💋

I  thought it appropriate on this V❤️lentines Day to share a song I wrote with multi-talented UK based co-writer (and producer) Phil Thornalley. It was obviously inspired by the iconic style of Burt Bacharach and Hal David whose body of work we both adore. Phil gave me the title along with the melody. And as it usually is with my reactions to Phil's "starts" here's what fell out in one afternoon.

Happy Valentines Day everyone.
I hope there’s someone you long to kiss.

For those who don’t have SOUNDCLOUD try this >>>>>

Kiss Me


It's been an honor and my pleasure to write a monthly column for Yamaha Music over the past few years. As this chapter comes to a close, I'm delighted to give you one last musing and it just so happens to address one of my favorite subjects: 

How To Write A Love Song …

Songwriter Darrell Brown once told me there are 3 kinds of love songs: You have it, You had it, You want it! As for the one that got away — well, this could be the most challenging and gut-wrenching of all categories. It might require reliving painful memories and of course the letting go. But it has to be done in order to move on and to honor that love is love whether it loved you back or not.

Read the rest on Yamaha!

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The “Beach Boys” at the Dolby
