Kiss Me 💋
I thought it appropriate on this V❤️lentines Day to share a song I wrote with multi-talented UK based co-writer (and producer) Phil Thornalley. It was obviously inspired by the iconic style of Burt Bacharach and Hal David whose body of work we both adore. Phil gave me the title along with the melody. And as it usually is with my reactions to Phil's "starts" here's what fell out in one afternoon >❤️>❤️>❤️>❤️>>>
Happy Valentines Day everyone.
I hope you all have someone you long to kiss.

If You Can Teach, Teach!
They say if you can’t do, teach. I couldn’t disagree more. Why not do both? There is a season turn turn turn. If you’ve been successful in your field at some point it’s time to pay it forward. Plus, it’s good for us to keep doing things we’re not sure we can do. 🤓