Dear Bob (Lefsetz),
Now you’ve gone and done it. You can have all the heinous opinions you want. We even agree with some of them but you’ve crossed the line with this one. No one can talk trash about Adele. Don’t you know she’s beloved?
Say what you want about Taylor. And you have. Even though she’s pretty high on the sweetheart charts these days, there are still a handful of people who love to hate her. Way less then before though. I'm not saying I do—well, maybe I used to. I don’t any more. Hate is a strong word. In fact, I happen to love some of her newer songs. Is that because of Max and Shellback? Maybe. But hey, she was in that room when "Blank Space" was written. And I get the feeling she was doing a lot more than just breathing. But I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah…
Adele…no one can even love to hate that girl. She really doesn’t give you anything to hate. For the most part, she had us from “Hello.” I mean “Chasing Pavements.” And she kept us there with authenticity and passion, humility and a sense of humor, an exquisite rendition of a Bob Dylan song (as well as her classy choice to cover it—especially when she could have cashed in on yet another beautiful song written by herself), and she reminds us you don’t have to be as skinny as a rail to make excellent records. In fact, come to think of it, what does skinny have to do with excellent records? We love her Bob. We do. And we will protect her.
I think you lost some subscribers this time. I know you don’t care. You can lose half your followers and still have plenty. Will I unsubscribe? Probably not. Even if I think you’re a bozo, some of the most annoying bozos inspire me to write things like this. Hey, I have followers too, you know. 302. I’m proud of every one. This flea’s mighty wings—(do fleas have wings? They must!)—have spread. Maybe I can’t spew from the mountain tops like you but I can get my little messages out flitting about from pebble to pebble.
Feel free to write about how insignificant I am. Enjoy your calling. Your vitriol is the best promotion a girl could have. Case in point: Adele is #1. She can’t be stopped.
Is it a pain in the neck to go to the iTunes Store and download an album? Sort of. Oh how lazy we’ve become. I used to get in a car and drive all the way down the hill to Tower Records (when in was in LA) or trot down Broadway (when in NYC) …deal with the red lights (or the $10 bag-of-pot dealers) along the way. Now it’s work to open a laptop and make a commitment. G-d help us.
But it’s not going to stop us from buying something we know is gonna be great. And apparently, millions of other people feel that way too.
So…rail on my friend…about all the fools who pulled their songs from Spotify. But choose someone other than Adele. We simply can’t relate.