Dark Horse vs Joyful Noise
Recently I was asked to consider signing an Amicus brief in support of the “Dark Horse” position in an infringement suit filed by the writers of Flame’s “Joyful Noise.” Newsflash, if it were your song in the test tube you may not want me on the jury. I tend to hear similarities my colleagues don’t. That said I’m concerned that the onslaught of lawsuits of late are threatening the creativity of my community. Still, I want to be thoughtful about each individual case. So let’s take a deeper dive.
Come Together
When it comes to deciding who should go to DC to represent the creative community it is my view that no single group will be as influential or effective as we can be in a united front.
Jealous of "Jealous"
No matter what we bring to a party, we are attracted to collaborators who we believe will up our game.
Writing by Committee
If all songs are written in a factory-like environment, what happens to the songsmith who enjoys a more intimate creative experience?