Now And Then
A few weeks ago in anticipation of “Now And Then,” a Facebook friend and fellow Beatles fanatic forwarded me an interview in which Giles Martin (son of George Martin) talks about how, with AI-assisted technology, the song came to be — how he, Paul and Ringo (I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Ringo’s idea) were able to ‘lift’ John’s vocal from a 1978 demo, add George’s voice and guitar from a 1995 session and … voila! … the latest last and final Beatles song.
As you may know I’m resistant to anything other than humans creating what we call art. But Giles assured us “this isn’t that kind of AI … It’s only used as a tool” … “to separate vocals, isolate guitars” … “Technology doesn't — and never has — made great records, but it creates a pathway.“ Amen.
I opened my cynical heart and pressed play.
‘Is that John?’ I wondered. It kinda sounds like him … just cleaner. But who ever wanted John to sound clean? We loved him because he wasn’t.
Coincidentally AI technology has made it possible for a singer to record a vocal performance and then plug in (or substitute) someone else’s tone. I suspect there’s a hybrid happening here. Paul is controlling, or shall I say influencing John’s voice?
The lyrics are super simple. On his own John did author some simple songs. “Imagine,” “Woman,” and my favorite “Love is Real.” But they were exquisite in their painfully beautiful truth. This song is pretty but underwhelming.
Then there’s a more ethical element. Toward the end of the Beatles’ run, along with massive love for his mate, John grew resentful of Paul. IMO the last thing he would have wanted years after his death is to know Paul took control of his work. And Yoko said ok. I don’t get it, especially when she of all people knows what John’s wishes would be.
I came to enjoy “Free As A Bird” and “Real Love,” — 2 other ideas that were found in the same cassette recorder atop John’s piano. Like any songwriter in flow-state he pressed record. Some of those ideas came to fruition and he eventually commercially released them. Others remained private for a reason. And that reason is his. It was his intellectual property to do with as he pleased.
Says Giles: “The key thing is that George (Harrison) is playing on it (the track), therefore it is, by definition, a Beatles song, because all four of them are on it.” I reject this notion. I have gobs if respect for Giles — cut from his father’s cloth — a father who was incredibly instrumental in the Beatles sonic character, but I beg to differ.
Until “Now And Then,” “Bird” and “Real” were the “Final Beatles Songs ever recorded.” Now there’s another. And there will likely be more. The idea of ‘Final’ is losing its charm.
I was under the impression “The End” was the ACTUAL last song ever recorded — back when they were all alive and present. I Googled to verify but this came up:
It’s just not right. Next thing you know they’re going to be taking books out of schools and trying to rewrite history.
A few years ago I wrote that Paul should let it be (after the release of “Come On To Me”) and I received so much flack I took down the piece. What a coward. I can’t do that any more. Listen, no one loved Paul McCartney more than I did. (Still do). Every man I’ve ever (seriously) been attracted to had something in common with Paul McCartney. (A bass or guitar player, a remarkable songwriter, a lefty, that voice, those eyes). He was the prototype for my affections.
Thing is that some of us are so protective of him … and of ‘everything Beatles’ that saying anything derogatory is blasphemous. But that’s losing sight of reality. We can cherish the band, the individual members and the body of work they gifted us and still have some critical thinking.
Giles: “I love the fact that the Beatles are still breaking new ground with technology that will pave the way for other artists.” That is false. The Beatles were. They no longer are. 😞
And: It sounds like a song that John wrote for Paul, and the other Beatles: "I miss you/ Now and then." How can anyone assume that’s what John was thinking? How can you put intentions in a dead man’s mouth? And even if it is what he was thinking wasn’t there a significant amount of time spent before and after the ‘now’ and the ‘then?’ In other words if I really mattered to someone, knowing they only thought of me now and then might actually be hurtful. 😳
I’m a purist when it comes to the Beatles. Don’t touch them. Don’t change them. Protect their legacy. Let them be. But if you miss them enough — after all, there are those of us who never recovered from their dissolution — if this one-last-final-Beatles-song resurrects for you what is gone or gives you something to hang onto or smile about by all means … enjoy.
But for me “The End” was the last and final Beatles song and that will never change. No matter what the internets say.
Way to go, Wikipedia. Don’t let them change your mind.
And now, (no then) I shamelessly take this opportunity to share my love letter to the Beatles*>>>>
*Written with Phil Thornally and David Munday.
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