Now And Then
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Now And Then

I’m a purist when it comes to the Beatles. Don’t touch them. Don’t change them. Protect their legacy. Let them be. But if you miss them enough — after all, there are those of us who never recovered from their dissolution — if this one-last-final-Beatles-song resurrects for you what is gone or gives you something to hang onto or smile about by all means … enjoy. 🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏽‍♂️🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏽‍♂️

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Roll Up
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Roll Up

I’ve flown halfway around the world in order to write with someone who makes me better. But Paul and John lived within a mile or 2 of each other. And George and Ringo weren’t far. I can’t even fathom this unlikely convergence of stars colliding … on my visit to Liverpool.

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And Another Thing About The Beatles…
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

And Another Thing About The Beatles…

Every time I’m working on a song that I’m super excited about…a song I think has heart and legs and a raison d’être…if I should stumble in passing upon “You’re Gonna Lose That Girl,” or “Dear Prudence” (really anything Beatles) I start questioning my work. As in why bother to write songs if I can’t write a song that good? Have you ever felt that way?

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John Lennon, Selena and ABBA
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

John Lennon, Selena and ABBA

John Lennon was featured on a larger-than-life screen behind Paul at a recent concert. I love Paul beyond and I’m ecstatic to hear, see, anything re-imagined on John’s behalf. But I wonder how John would have felt.

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Saturday In The Park
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Saturday In The Park

I never got over leaving NY. I wasn’t any less in love with her when I left than when I came. So again I ask you — do we manifest our destinies? No need to answer.

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Paul 3,2,1
blog Shelly Peiken blog Shelly Peiken

Paul 3,2,1

Looking back, Paul realizes that he himself is a fan of the Beatles. What a beautiful place to be in the back half of ones life. So many of us look over our shoulder with regret or wish for do-overs.

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