It’s GRAMMY week. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love it when I’m nominated.🤓 Which isn’t very often. Otherwise, it can ruffle all kinds of feels at this stage in my life and career. Like how did I get to be one of the oldest people at these parties?

The Way We Were
We’ll always have plenty of talented tasty, clever ear-worm-worthy songsmiths. Topliners. Beat Makers whose delicious material I enjoy immensely. It’s just that when we lose all our Marilyns who’s going to write “The Way We Were”? How do you keep THAT music playing?

Grown-up Making a Video
Deep down I do not see my (undisclosed) age as a handicap but as an advantage. I’ve experienced life more fully and I’m more comfortable living it than ever before. I’m even more comfortable in my own collagen-starved skin. Self-expression and the desire to make and share your art doesn’t change just because you’re in the second half of your century.