Crossing The Pond
There’s a slight kerfuffle at boarding. We wait in the tunnel for 20 minutes at a standstill. Is something wrong with the plane? Are they reattaching the exit door? Is this a Boeing? I’m poised to call American Express with whom I booked my flight to ask what my options are. And do I have a change of underwear in my carry-on? I used to be a free man in Paris. And everywhere else. Not any more. What happened? 😳

Thank You ❤️
After spilling about my tinnitus last week the empathy and 411 poured in literally from all over the globe and man, I never realized how many of us have it. We just never talk about it I guess. But after weeks of going down the Google rabbit hole looking for answers, cures and comfort … it was my online community and music biz friends that lifted me up and pointed me toward the light at the end of a the tunnel. 🙏

Happy Travels
I don’t know about you but for me re-entering a not-so-post COVID world comes with some re-acclimation anxiety. I’ve never been anxious in my life. I am anxious now. My local KCRW broadcasts a daily gentle reminder that COVID has made us ALL anxious. I’ll say!