If You Can Teach, Teach!
They say if you can’t do, teach. I couldn’t disagree more. Why not do both? There is a season turn turn turn. If you’ve been successful in your field at some point it’s time to pay it forward. Plus, it’s good for us to keep doing things we’re not sure we can do. 🤓

For The Dreamers
A go-to co-writer is someone who continually delights you. They bring out colors you didn’t know you had. Because they believe in you, you’re on your game when you’re with them. Little do they know it’s because THEY are special. THEY are having an effect on you! Maybe we need to let them know more often how much we appreciate them. Feel free to tell about or post a pic one of your favorite collaborators in the thread below. Let’s honor the creative spirit of the people who bring out the best in us.

“I don’t write because I think I have something to say. I write because if I don’t, everything feels even worse.” — (Lily King — “Writers & Lovers”) I’m thankful to have a passion for a process that can usher me through the gamut of ‘lifely’ emotions. Life just wouldn’t be the same if I couldn’t write my way though it.

Live Stream Fatigue
I enjoy performing on live streams — even though, forgive me, my Facebook feed is starting to look like a scrolling billboard. I don’t however, have the bandwidth to watch all the shows I’ve been invited to. Online events used to be sprinkled here and there for our viewing pleasure. But I’m tiring of the virtual venue. I want a change of scenery. The company of breathing humans. I want to throw on a leather jacket and go see a band in a bar!

Songwriters Taking it Online
I do believe there will be silver linings to this hermetically sealed existence but until then, as a mother I’m beside myself being so far away from my daughter who’s in the city that’s been hit hardest. If I wanted to get to her I couldn’t. It’s unnerving. But as a songwriter I’m grateful that I can still work and try to keep my mind off the separation. That said this has been a game-changer for creativity too.