

In Lily King’s Writers & Lovers there’s a passage that resonated with me:

“I don’t write because I think I have something to say. I write because if I don’t, everything feels even worse.”

I couldn’t agree more. I’m thankful to have a passion for a process that can usher me through the gamut of lifely (I made up that word – feel free to use it ) emotions. 

Today I share a song that came to me while realizing that even though this will be the first Thanksgiving I won’t be with my daughter, I am thankful (as I’m sure you are too) for so much. 2020 might have let us down in many ways but I have hope for 2021…for a fresh start. For another chance to try. 

Every November I take stock of some of the things I’m thankful for. Here goes…

I’m thankful for my husband Adam — jam partner, table-mate, best friend…my rock. 

I’m thankful that I have a daughter who follows protocol even better than I — and protects me by sadly…not coming home. :( 

I’m thankful for the promising treatments and potential Covid vaccines that will help us return to some semblance of normalcy however different the future normal will be. (At a moment in time so prudent that we all come together I find it curious that the Universe has dealt us a hand which mandates we all stand farther apart.) 

I’m thankful for my friends. Now more than ever.

I’m thankful for senses of humor. Laughter is definitely the best medicine. (So are vodka martinis.) 

I’m thankful for my one morning cup of coffee and for discovering that if I hold the mug to my nose for 1 full minute before I take a sip I can ‘pre-extend’ the experience. 😊☕️

I’m thankful for the abundance of entertainment on Netflix. (Cough cough The Queens Gambit)

Although I couldn’t be more sick of it I’m also thankful for... Zoom. 

I’m thankful for the Bon Appetite subscription my friend Lisa bought me in 1997 which included a recipe for a spice-rubbed turkey and mushroom gravy that I’ve made every year since. 


I’m thankful for another Thanksgiving no matter how small the party.

I’m thankful for the capacity to be thankful.

I’m thankful for everyone who continues to read my musings even when there’s so much going on in the world. 

I’m thankful for Max Ehrmann’s Desiderata especially the last bit: 

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him (or Her)* to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends…wherever you are, even if you can’t be with all the ones you love. I pray that next November we’ll be able to board a plane with ease (although I will never ever ever fly without a mask again no matter what), hug each other upon arrival and set the table for 20. 

Here’s my song…. For Layla, Suzan and Marla…

Oh and…I had quite a few alternatives for the “skinny dipping” line. There are so many tasty rhymes! Feel free to send me or post what you might have written there yourself. I’d love to hear it.


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Thanks for reading, my friends. Have a listen to my new album, 2.0 etc... For fun stories about how my songs came to be get a copy of “Confessions of a Serial Songwriter.” If you'd like to receive my blog via email, please click here. Follow me on Twitter and Insta. Visit my Serial Songwriter Facebook Page. Stay Safe! ☮️


Dark Horse vs Joyful Noise

