Say You’re Sorry
Seems like there’s no shortage of “National Something Days.” So I’d like to nominate “National Say You’re Sorry Day” — when you wake up and apologize to someone for something you did that wasn’t right. It’s a challenging, mixed-up, polarized, uncertain world out there. Perhaps a day to celebrate forgiveness — dole it out and receive it — isn’t such a bad idea. Maybe it won’t save humanity but it’ll make someone feel … for lack of a better word … seen.

#Anti-Social Media
My heart isn’t in the game. An appetite for promoting my own endeavors is waning. When I scroll my feed I hear what sounds like noise. My own noise included. So now...first thing every morning before checking my email, or any texts I might have missed from the night before I grab a coffee and sit in my yard and just be. In fact before I take a sip I hold the mug to my nose and breath it in so as to “pre-extend” the experience. Life isn’t just about our purpose or our calling, but the more subtle beauty going on around us.

“I don’t write because I think I have something to say. I write because if I don’t, everything feels even worse.” — (Lily King — “Writers & Lovers”) I’m thankful to have a passion for a process that can usher me through the gamut of ‘lifely’ emotions. Life just wouldn’t be the same if I couldn’t write my way though it.

To Lighten Your Heart
I was thinking of putting my blog on pause for a while —thought maybe I’ve been bombarding you with too much Life According to Me. But then I received several random emails from lovely ppl telling me how much they enjoy it. So…I’m back. And I never even left. 🤭 I thought I’d share a few things that happened this week that in retrospect make me smile. I hope they do the same for you. 🌺

It’s Ok Not To Be Ok
It’s Ok not to be Ok. Jessie J blurted out those words on the day we wrote “Who You Are.” Truth be told, I wasn’t sure about that line. But now, I’m glad she said it. Because I need it. A lot of us are not Ok. And it’s become a mantra.

Slow Down The World
I muse these thoughts as I drive south on La Cienega Blvd. in the middle of the afternoon with absolutely no traffic on my way to a doctor’s appointment where there will be nobody in the waiting room. When I left my house I realized how odd it was to well, leave my house! I rolled down the window and turned up Classic Hits: “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More.”