I Think About You Daily
“I Think About You Daily” is a 6 minute drunk text with major 7ths about the passage of time and the people (or person) we leave behind. Chrissie Hynde is into telling it like she is…always has been. Plus, she’s older. Less to lose. Less to prove. Then again…she never really grew up entirely. I think that’s the secret. She still crushes and regrets and loves again for the first time. 🎸

Follow the YOLO Brick Road
YOLO = You Only live Once. I highly recommend that any career songwriter carve out some time to make their own record. Cut your hits. Your never-been-heards. They’re your babies. Your life. What will you leave behind?

When we write things down we’re more invested in them compared to when we record a digital voice memo. Napkins (and receipts and the like) are physical. They have energy. We find them the next day in the bottom of purses and pockets. The words become lyrics. Lyrics become songs. Songs have lives of their own. Some die a quick death. Some live long and prosper. Today, I give you “Human” 2.0, a song I started on a napkin in a ladies room; made famous by The Pretenders 20 years ago.

Grown-up Making a Video
Deep down I do not see my (undisclosed) age as a handicap but as an advantage. I’ve experienced life more fully and I’m more comfortable living it than ever before. I’m even more comfortable in my own collagen-starved skin. Self-expression and the desire to make and share your art doesn’t change just because you’re in the second half of your century.