
Photo by Suzan Koc

Photo by Suzan Koc

I scribbled some words on a napkin in a ladies room after a friend said something that absolutely shattered me. He was oblivious. Had no idea how much it hurt. The next week I put those words (and that pain) to use on a songwriting blonde date (typo —but he was blonde) with Mark McEntee of the Australian band divinyls. We wrote a song called “Human.” divinyls recorded and released “Human” in 1996. A few years later Chrissie Hynde heard it and recorded it with The Pretenders. She said it sounded more like The Pretenders than the stuff she was writing at the time. To have a legend who writes mega-hits of her own record YOUR song, is something that doesn't happen for a songwriter every day...if ever. 

Fast forward to 20 years later...I was in the studio with producer Eve Nelson re-imagining a version of “Human” for my very belated debut album. I wasn’t sure how the songwriter version might measure up with divinyls and The Pretenders raunchy and raw (respective) efforts…but I was excited to find out how it would reveal itself.

In re-visiting the song, Eve and I considered how many chords there were. There simply aren’t as many changes in modern pop music. Thing is though, I LOVE chords. Lots of them. I hyperventilated as we tried removing some. But you know what? It sounded oK. It really did. It sounded more well, 21st century. 

As for guitar tracks…trust me…I wasn’t qualified. “Remember,” I reminded myself, “only ask people you love (and who love you back) to help you with this project.” Go where the love is. I was certain my long time pal Tony Bruno (Rihanna/Enrique) could crush it. But Tony is always BUSY! And he’s on the other coast. Still…you have to ask!

Oh, Toneeeeee!!!  🎸

He said he’d get it done…he needed a couple of days. We sent him “the bones” and 2 days later we received some files and pressed play. Eve and were like…yup! Exactly. His vibe was the reveal I was waiting for. Totally nailed the solo. Eve programmed around him in her Eve way….organic, soulful, honest…LOVE HER!

Thank you, T!  💜 (Photo by Karin Bruno)

Thank you, T! 💜 (Photo by Karin Bruno)

And then over the next few days of cutting vocals, I had this crazy Idea: I wonder if Chrissie Hynde would consider singing some BVs (background vocals) on the track. What’s the worst that could happen? She could say “no.” Or even worse, say nothing. Or ghost me. Ugh! I’ve been dealing with non-responses my whole career. Still am. But once in a while someone says “yes” and it renews you…your faith in everything. What did I have to lose? So I wrote Chrissie an email…no bullshit, no buttering up…and pressed send. And then I went to pee.  

When I came back to my computer she had already responded. She’d be happy to sing. WHAT? Sometimes it’s impossible to get an artist to tweet about one of your personal endeavors much less sing on your track.

She sang. We mixed.

After releasing a few singles top of this year Covid put a glitch in my momentum. I’m not complaining — (well, I am a little) — I realize that just about everyone in the world has had glitches in their momentum…canceled plans, weddings, gigs, travel, fallen heroes, broken hearts, lost loved ones. Sigh. And then — Say His Name, Shelly — George Floyd. I just couldn’t get it up to release another song or ask people to care. So I pressed pause for a while.

But I’m back. I’m unpausing. Life must go on. And so must music. And today I’m happy to announce the release of “Human 2.0.”

I think back to that napkin in the ladies room. When we write things down we’re more invested in it than when we record a digital voice memo. Napkins (and receipts and the like) are physical. They have energy. We find them the next day in the bottom of purses and pockets. The words become lyrics. Lyrics become songs. Songs have lives of their own. Some die a quick death. Some live long and prosper. 


Big thanx to Chrissie Hynde for choosing to sprinkle her spirit on my passion project at a time when she’s releasing new rad material of her own.

For you songwriter FREAKS….below is a voice memo (transferred from a cassette work tape) of Mark McEntee and I on our 1999 Songwriting Blonde Date 😳; segueing into the first ruf version of “Human” in the studio —  It’s obvi I was trying to channel Chrissie AMPHLETT of divinyls (rest peacefully, Chrissie). You can hear Mark singing too.

Human Snippets 2.0

P.S. Tony Bruno subsequently bought to life my version of Jessie J’s “Who You Are,” another song I “covered” for my album (to be released in August FINALLY!!!) My fave line from that song: “It’s Ok not to be Ok.” Hey, we’re only HUMAN!

Listen to “Human 2.0”


It’s Ok Not To Be Ok


Takin’ It To The Streets